Community Guidelines

  1. Be respectful and kind

    We expect politeness and respect from our community members. This rule doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have fun, we're here to chat and have fun, just be polite whilst doing so. The following are strictly prohibited at all times in both text and image form (not a full list): hate speech, violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, use of derogatory terms or racial slurs, unfair discrimination or personal arguments/issues/drama.

  2. This is not a dating server and you will be expected to respect that

    This is not a dating server. We ask that you avoid making it obvious if you've come here just to find romance. Be polite, don't have poor taste, use your best judgment.

  3. Don't clutter our channels with unwanted messages

    Spamming our channels is strictly prohibited under all circumstances. Spamming counts as but is not limited to message spam, image spam, emote spam, mention spam and loud or repetitive noises in voice chat. Bot commands are to be limited to the specific bot-commands and gayming-commands channels. Messages should be in English.

  4. No personal information is to be posted in any channel, text or voice

    Whilst we respect and understand the right of specific individuals to post a limited segment of their own, personal, information, please refrain from posting others' names, addresses, account information, photographs, etc. If it is determined that a member is sharing personal information about another member, especially in an attempt to harm them, physically, mentally and/or emotionally, this will be considered dox(x)ing and will result in the malicious member being permanently banned and reported.

  5. Do not share content or engage in topics deemed sexually explicit or otherwise not safe for work (NSFW) / not safe for life (NSFL)

    We expect you to behave accordingly and avoid the discussion of such topics and posting such content in our community. NSFW/NSFL avatars, names, statuses, About Me sections or other accessible profile content are not allowed. NSFL conversations include ones that will incite feelings of severe negativity among members. As such, venting in our server is not allowed. We are not capable of handling crisis situations, and you will be asked to stop and referred to crisis resources.

  6. No partisan political discussion / debate

    To maintain a positive community, you are restricted from starting a partisan political discussion or debate here. You may take it to DMs if others are okay with that.

  7. No discussion of substance use

    You are not to discuss the use of alcohol or any other recreational drugs in our public channels, especially not regarding the procurement or sale of both illegal and legal recreational substances. If you are an adult and within the proper jurisdiction, discussing the use of recreational drugs or being under the influence of them in adult topics is permitted.

  8. No advertising

    You are restricted from advertising in our community. Advertising other Discord servers, the sale of products or only using our community to garner a social following will result in punishment, in the first case instant and automated. We have an affiliates channel for partnered communities.

  9. Listen to staff

    Anything else that occurs within the server that is not specified in the guidelines will be handled at the discretion of the staff. If you have an issue with a staff member, take it up with one of their superiors.

  10. Follow Discord's community guidelines and Terms of Service

    As we are a community on Discord, we expect all of our users to uphold and adhere to Discord's community guidelines & terms.